Thursday, September 22, 2005

LOST again

I am so glad that the season premier of Lost was not a disappointment. I was kind of worried because I had such high expectations, and I assumed I would be let down. But not so. This show has some of the greatest writers working in television, because the show-story wise and the shows essence-picked up right where everything was left off last season. With my experience in returning shows, it usually takes awhile for the show to get back into the swing of things upon returning from summer hiatus, but not this show. Wow! I was totally blown away. I’m still off kilter, and my mind is overflowing with possibilities about how the new character, Desmond, got on the island. And what exactly is he doing down in that cavern? Hmm. The only thing about last night’s episode that disappointed me is that there was no update about what happened to Sawyer (one of my favorite characters). That and the fact that I have to wait until next week for another Lost fix, and several more months of waiting to see how everything plays out.
I couldn’t sleep so I ended up watching Boiling Point, which I purchased recently on DVD. Anyway, it’s not very good, despite the presence of Dennis Hopper, Wesley Snipes and Viggo Mortensen. It’s a Snipes vehicle, and he’s basically playing the same character he played in all of those 80’s-90’s cop flicks he was in. He just really sucks in this one. So does Dennis Hopper, enough so that it makes me wonder how this guy ever got famous. You’d think he would’ve gotten lost back in the 50’s and drowned in thespianic obscurity. (And in case you’re wondering, thespianic is not a real word, I just like making up my own, and hope they catch on). Even Viggo Mortensen, who is usually one cool cat on screen comes across as wooden and uncomfortable. Dan Hedaya, however, comes through and add a little brightness to the scenes he’s in.

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