Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I was watching Dateline on Sunday, and realized how those police sketches can be fallible. You know how they don’t really look like anyone in particular, but could often pass for several people? I know a lot of people anyway, who’ve said that people in the sketches look familiar to them. Anyway, the Dateline segment I saw was about a girl who was murdered, and the guy they believe did it could pass for me in one of those police sketches. We don’t necessarily look alike, but share a lot of the same features and skull structure, enough alike though, that if a police sketch of him were made using those generic computer catalogues they’re using nowadays, I could easily be mistaken for him. It’s even more unnerving and likely that if this were to happen I would stand a likely chance of getting falsely accused because of how little people pay attention. People are always getting my brother and I confused and we don’t even look alike. When we used to work together, people would always think they had just talked to me when they’d actually been speaking to my brother. And we weren’t even dressed alike.
That’s not the worst that happened Sunday. I think my mother had a run in with a potential serial killer; he seems to be an avid fan of the BTK dude. I’ve got to go now, so I’ll write more on that later.

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