Eye update.
The lens is out! I reapat, the lens is out!
For all of those worried about me, I got the errant contact lens out earlier this morning. I finally found it hiding in the top left corner of my left eye socket. That was after pulling and yanking at a clear membrane on the other side of my eye which looked suspiciously like my wayward lens. When I discovered this I went into dry heaves with thoughts of how much damage I could have done to my precious baby blues. But alas, the darn little thing was just out of reach, teasing me with its closeness. Finally, it worked its way down where I could just pluck it out with the tips of my fingers.
Thanks to all of those who wrote with their condolences.
Glad to see that your eye is back to normal. P.S.. Great pic at blood brothers!! I haven't seen your mom since right after Godspell/Rocky. Yeah to Jeff for giving us more good reading. Hope all is well!! :) -- Rob
It's great to hear from you. Would you believe my mom and I were just talking about you the day before I read your comment?
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